../../images/logo.jpg ... THOUGHTS ABOUT GOD....... REALITY... NATURE... TRINITY... KINGDOM... PURPOSE... SPIRIT... OTHER GODS.... .....

The prime purpose of God lies in the coming of The Kingdom here.
We, and all that we do, have value only in that promotion.
Our purpose is to grow that Kingdom where we are.
Beyond that we are nothing; meaningless.

We are told of a God that is "Love "; not loving but Love itself
whose purposes flow from the love which causes us to love each other.
In accepting such a God, it is we who take on a loving mantle
and respond in ways that bring about God's purposes;
bring about the Kingdom of Heaven, where we are;
bring about the place where Love is king.

Salvation is not for any individual, nor does it lie in the hands of divinity,
but lies in the growth of God's Kingdom, for us and by us and through us, on behalf of others.

It is the growth of that Kingdom amongst us that embraces the hope for the world.
Only there may we overcome the potential hell of global overheating and starvation.

This was the true Gospel of Christ
before its corruption by the power-mongers of religion.