Religions/churches are living entities seeking to promote their own survival.
They consume members and resources as the food of their inheritance
and at the expense of others of their kind.

Religions take spirituality and suck it dry for their refreshment
Take the interface to divinity and make it into a sacrament.
Take the celebrations of man and make them into Festivals.
Take the acts of God and make them into legends.

For religions are places of temporal power,
exercised by an anointed, self-perpetuating hierarchy,
whilst presenting a facade of spirituality to their world.

Power rests at the roots of religious ritual;
Power exercised through the knowledge of the confessional;
Power through the threat of exclusion from eternal life,
from the promised joy of meeting family again;
Power through priestly granted absolution.
The Power of the dominant Cross!

It was, and will be, ever thus.
We, who meet with God, are channelled down the faucet of conformity
to find divinity only by following the way our religion specifies;
for we can believe and belong, or find another pasture.

We may all serve in different ways, know God in different guises,
but we adopt a standard vision; conform for the sake of unity;
surrender self for community, loving our neighbour and
ignoring the reality of our view of God.