I believe in the God whose nature is love
was constrained by Love to create something potentially lovable;
something to be nurtured until it is the best it could be,
but not something that was forced into compliance
without any option of returning that love.
I believe in the evolution of Creation,
from the humble beginnings of infinite potential
to the wonder of where we are today and
onward to what we could become.
I believe that we have the freedom to develop
into creatures that are lovable, detestable or worse;
that we can listen to Love's voice , or not;
grow towards God or away.
I believe that Jesus showed a better model for humanity;
what we could become if we listen to God's voice;
an example of the next stage of evolution,
the path that humanity can take.
I believe that idolatry lies in the worship of Jesus.
Such divinity is merely a product of man's invention;
an excuse for our imperfections, and a vehicle
for the creation of a separate religion
with its own rules and hierarchies