Neither God or Goddess has any known form or gender.
These are merely human terms of liturgical adherence;
the maleness of God merely a literary convenience.
All descriptions of the actual form of God
whether as cloud or tree or human
are incomplete or even untrue.

Yet we need something definite to hang-on to
a divinity that we can imagine, visualise.
We need something concrete to worship
a focus for our thoughts and prayers.

God is beyond our understanding or imagination
so we, now as in ancient times, build idols.
We worship divinity through another
so building barriers to reality;
protected from divinity.

One day humanity will know the reality of divinity,
but, for now, we must be satisfied with shadows of truth,
glimpses of true divinity through the mist of idolatry,
love's reality constrained to our comprehension
until we follow the lure of God into new life;
into an existence that is love alone.

