There is but one God
Religions proclaim variants on one theme
All misconceiving from their own perspective
Each denying the reality of the other
in their mutual blindness
As the Gospel of John
might seem to tell us,
God has no form, sex, or material existence
Is not a resident of any one location
but imbues all creation as Spirit
as the spirit of Goodness
the spirit of love
God can not, will not, force our actions
yet guides us, lures us, to goodness
acts secretly to help us on our way;
to discard selfishness and greed
and the evil in our nature.
God is not approached through any mediation
but is with our every thought and action
Neither Jesus, saints, nor any priest
separates us from God's presence
God calls us to follow where Jesus led us
to feed the hungry, heal the sick, comfort the distressed.
God has no need of our fasts, eucharists, or sacrifices;
needs us as Her hands to work wonders in His world
to play our small part in growing creation
to what God would have it be.