The evangelical conception of the crucifixion of Jesus
perceives it as an atoning sacrifice for our sin,
needed to pacify the justified wrath of God.
In fact, Jesus died the death of a rabble-rouser
who preached against the ruling power
at a time of national tension.
His escort from Gethsemane was to a pre-arranged meeting.
When he refused to compromise, he was handed over.
The Romans then invoked the usual procedure.
(the discussion with Pilate is pure invention)
The execution was routine. No one else was allowed to approach.
The "Words from the Cross" must be mere invention;
the "wounds" were a routine part of execution.
(and the nails were put through wrists, not hands!)
The Romans never released an executed body to relatives.
They were left exposed on the crosses, as examples.
There was no possibility of weeping relatives
carrying off the body as a focus for grief,
or future insurrection.
The legends surrounding the tomb are parables
of the realisation of
the reality of resurrection.
as new faith took root amongst the disciples.