Where have I got to or been left?
Religion is still significant to me. I find what I believe is important.
I call myself a Christian, but struggle with most of its ideas;
the doctrines of orthodox Christian theology and belief,
but then perhaps Jesus did much the same, in his time.
I believe in God as an ideal, a Spirit, a guide, but not as a power intervening in human life.
I long to follow the teaching of Jesus, but doubt tales of his divinity or resurrection.
I value but do not trust the Bible written to convince us, not as literal truth.
I believe that the true teaching of Jesus in the Bible
provides a realistic path to the good life
which he called the Kingdom of God.
This is the way that, if adopted,
could have prevented the mess of the world today.
I believe in the church, as a community on the better pathway,
though, sadly, it remains fixated on personal salvation
failing to realise that the Way, which Jesus taught,
offered practical salvation for the world,
rather than any personal eternity.
I have little belief in a transcendent or interventional divinity,
I have no belief in post-mortal existence or judgement,
but I do believe in a divine ideal, a purpose,
something which cares in the long run,
but is beyond my comprehension
or my spiritual pay-scale.
I came from nothing in this life and brought nothing to it.
I go to nothing and can take nothing away from it,
but maybe I can affect life somehow.
Whilst I am here and active,
maybe I, in my poverty,
can enrich another.