These are views of the stories seen though the lens of a non-Interventiionist Deity, so contrary to orthodox Christian doctrine.

A Tale of Revolution Matthew Mark Luke John Theme Class
.1 Water into Wine 2:1-11 Who is Jesus? Magic
.2 Heals Peter's Mother-in-Law 8:14-15 1:29-31 4:38-39 Who is Jesus? Healing
.3 Heals the Sick in the evening 8:16-17 1 : 32-34 4 : 40-41 Mission of Jesus Healing
.4 Drives out an Evil Spirit 1 : 21-27 The Message Healing
.5 Heals a Nobleman Son 4:43-54 Mission of Jesus Healing
.6 Miraculous Catch of Fishes 5:1-11 Mission of Jesus Magic
.7 A Man with Leprosy 8:1-4 1:40-45 5:12-14 The Message Healing
.8 A centurion's servant 8:5-13 7:1-10 Who is Jesus? Healing
.9 Healing a Paralytic 9:1-8 2:1-12 5:17-26 Forgiveness Healing
.10 A Man with a Withered Hand 12:9-14 3:1-6 6:6-11 Legalism Healing
11 Son of a widow raised from the dead . . 7:11-17 Who is Jesus? Healing
12 Jesus calms a storm on the sea 8:23-27 4:35-41 8:22-25 The Message Magic
13 Jesus casts demons into pigs 8:28-33 5:1-20 8:26-39 Mission of Jesus Magic
14 A Woman with an Issue of Blood 9:20-22 5:25-34 8:42-48 Acting out Faith Healing
15 Healing Jairus's Daughter 9:23-26 5:35-43 8:40-56 Mission of Jesus Healing
16 Heals Two Blind Men 9:27-31 . Mission of Jesus Healing
17 Heals a Dumb Man 9:32-34 . Mission of Jesus Healing
18 The Pool at Bethseda . . . 5:1-15 Mission of Jesus Healing
19 Feeding of 5,000 14:13-21 6:30-44 9:10-17 6:1-15 The Path of Jesus Magic
20 Jesus Walks on Water 14:22-33 6:45-52 6:16-21 Spiritualisation Magic
21 Jesus Heals Many 14:34-36 6:1-15 Mission of Jesus Healing
22 Healing of a Syrophen's Daughter 15:21-28 7:24-30 Mission of Jesus Healing
23 Healing of a Deaf and Dumb Man 7:31-37 Spiritualisation Magic
24 Feeding of 4,000 15:32-39 8:1-13 The Path of Jesus Magic
25 Jesus Heals a Blind Man 8:22-26 Mission of Jesus Healing
26 Healing a Man Born Blind 9:1-12 Who is Jesus? Healing
27 A Boy with an Unclean Spirit 17:14-20 9:14-29 9:37-43 Mission of Jesus Healing
28 Tax in the Mouth of a Fish 17:24-27 Spiritualisation Magic
29 Healing of a Blind Mute Demoniac 12:22-23 11:14-23 Mission of Jesus Healing
30 Healing a Crippled Woman 13:10-17 Attacks on Jesus Healing
31 Healing a man with dropsy 14:1-6 Attacks on Jesus Healing
32 Cleansing ten lepers 17:11-19 Attacks on Jesus Healing
33 Raising Lazarus from the dead 11:1-45 Spiritualisation Healing
34 Jesus restores sight to Bartimaeus 10:46-52 18:35-43 Mission of Jesus Healing
35 Jesus withers the fig tree 21:18-22 11:12-14 Mission of Jesus Magic
36 Healing a servant's severed ear 22:50-51 Mission of Jesus Healing
37 A second miraculous catch of fish 21:4-11 Magic