Personal experience and the mythology of every tribe and nation
argue for some form of divine existence.
There is another, a spiritual, dimension, which can, and does, interface to mankind.
and includes an ideal spirituality that we may call God.

We may realise
the reality of God but still then need
a frame for research; a creedal baseline.
So that we may say:

God is Love
God is love and constrained by love.
Infinite in power and resources. Infinite in goodness

God is Real
There is something there, even if we have little idea what it is.
It is an entity,tangible, interactive and can affect our lives.

God is Spirit
It has no corporal identity, no material existence.
Its nature is incomprehensible to our material minds.
There must have been a time when it was not;
for, when we were not, it had no reality;
no means of self-expression.

Yet the Christian Bible and the other major faiths
see God as the Creator, trying to provide reason for our origin,
trying to provide understanding of what lay before all.
This is what the godly of nearly all faiths agree on,
before dogma intervenes.