When God knows and loves us
listens to our words, watches what we do,
why do we need to call out in prayer?
Is that not the supreme denial
of trust in God's care?

Yet, maybe in calling out we express our feelings,
realise our dependence on God alone;
maybe we appeal to those around us,
express unity with our neighbour.

In private prayer, we take the time
to seek for the God within us
searching for true wisdom
or the ability to face
the reality around us.

In public prayer, we remind each other,
of the needs of the world, of others,
suggesting, maybe, what we could do
to address each other's problems.
And the God within us listens
and responds.

So our prayers should not list our demands and needs
but seek God's will, expose God's purpose for us.
Maybe to see what work God has for us to do
or to expose God's message for another.

We are merely God's hands and feet on earth
in prayer we seek for how we should behave.
In prayer we need to free ourselves
from the bonds that prevent us
from doing God's work.


Personal Prayer