We may look at the bubble within which we live
without realising its boundaries and constraints
for they are, largely, there for our own protection,
to keep us safe from injury, danger and disease.
They are there for our benefit.

It is others who may view our situation
and see that the rules surrounding our condition
are created for another purpose than our benefit;
are there to limit our personal ability
to challenge those controlling
our situation.

This is where we start to recognise a fundamentalist cult.
Sadly it is embryonic in the churches,

For much evangelical endeavour is designed
to specify the limits to our views of spirituality.
However the characteristics of a true Christian Cult
take these features further, though in the same direction.
In such an environment every feature of life is constrained
to a twisted, and uncontestable, interpretation
aspect of some selected Biblical text,
often taken out of context.

Challenges to the dominant doctrine are rejected,
without any thought or due consideration,
for variation from proclaimed truth
opens the door to a freedom
we should not contemplate.

The purposes of the cult leadership
lies in absolute control of its members,
through manipulation of religious concepts
and a theology based on fear of rejection
by their fellows and a judgemental God.
Can it not be much the same in church,
though we may not recognise it?