The very foundation of the Reformers credo was salvation;
not salvation by works but by grace.
so we have such songs as Amazing Grace
Yet there is no real credibility behind such doctrine,
reliant as it is on an final divine judgement
from some imagined gilded throne
in an imagined heaven.
Basically, the Reformers got it wrong!
They discarded the wrong elements
of the religious package.
For Salvation is real, but is in the here and now;
from the terrors and tribulations of this life,
not from those constructed by self-interest
in an unreal existence after death;
after mortal life is ended.
That Salvation lies in living the Christ-like life
not in believing that he rose from the dead,
nor that he led a sinless life,
nor in his Divinity.
That Salvation lies in acting as He would act,
lies in speaking as he would speak
not for personal benefit or reward
but to promote the salvation
of Creation.
That Salvation lies in working for change,
so that all life can be better and different,
so that the Kingdom of God is "at hand"
for our descendants.
Thus Salvation does not come from Belief in a fragile doctrine
but from Action that follows the path that Jesus showed us;
from Action that tries to save Creation's future!