In every journey of faith there is a starting point,
a destination to which we finally aspire
and a guide to point us on our way
be that a book, a saint, guru
or inspirational divine.
As we travel our origin becomes more distant,
whilst our target may yet be out of sight.
Somehow we need to fix, guide, our way.
So we set bounds to set our course;
Guidelines, rules, doctrine.
As we travel further, and if our line is true,
we meet other people on the same journey;
heading to the same distant destination,
but, coming by another route or manner,
people whose rules are different.
Coming from where we started our way was true,
but coming from elsewhere other ways pertain.
Our rules may not apply to their origin,
only fit the place whence we began.
For who are we to constrain true divinity
to a corner of the Eastern Mediteranean?
We may find that model fits our need,
but that may be our poverty.